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About Fashion4Wellness

The beginning of Fashion4Wellness

The passion for the hammamtowel and fouta began several years ago. On our journey through Turkey and later North Africa (Tunisia) we came in contact with the hammamtowel and fouta. This is a nice product for the European market, we thought. We were immediately smitten by their great colours, look and feel. A hammamtowel or fouta is a fantastic product to take to the sauna or for example on holiday.. These cloths are traditionally used in the Hammam or bathhouse.

After a lot of research, we have finally took the step to come on the market with a nice quality brand in the field of hammamtowels and foutas. The name of our brand is “Fashion4Wellness”. Towels that are different from all others. A hammamtowel or fouta who is made from high quality cotton. A cloth that looks fashionable and can be used for those relaxing moments where we humans so desire. A towel where you can dream on and looks beautiful too. Use a hamammtowel or fouta if you spend a day at the beach or swimming pool. A hammamtowel or fouta is a traditional and beautiful product that can only made only with local knowledge, craftsmanship and care.

This is very important to us - Economic sustainability cotton farmers

All our Turkish hammamtowels and foutas are with most major concern produced in Turkey and Tunisia. The quality of our towels start with the cotton. Fashion4wellness chooses deliberately for cotton with a fair price.

Many small-scale cotton farmers in Turkey and Tunisia are often in the dark about their income.
Also, they are often at the mercy of fluctuating world market price, making the yield of the harvest often too low to be able to maintain the whole family. Without a reliable income they cannot invest and expand in their enterprise. Also the future of the family and the children is threatened.
At an unreliable income they remain in poverty. Fashion4wellness tries in collaboration with small weaving companies to break this vicious circle by right to choose only cotton that comes from these cotton farmers.
That is not easy, but by our good cooperation and trust that we have with our weaving companies, we are convinced that this will succeed. As a result, the cotton farmers receive a fair price and the ability to further develop themselves.

The way to the weaving companies

After the cotton is chosen, it goes to one of our weaving companies in Turkey or Tunisia. Fashion4wellness works generally with small family weaving companies. The hammamtowels and foutas are in these small family weaving companies still woven with traditional machines from 40 to 50 years old. The ancient craft of weaving is still very important and this tradition and specialty is often passed from father to son. Because Fashion4wellness only works directly with these small weaving companies, the agents will be disabled and there is a fair price paid for the hammamtowels and foutas. By our right to have contact with the weaving companies, we can also perform checks on for example child labour. Unfortunately, child labour is still in this world. They are mainly employed in the agricultural sector, shoes, leather, textiles and clothing industry and among small businesses. Fashion4wellness is against child labour and will never tolerate this.